Prayer & Prayer Notebook
It is our sincere hope that anyone of faith is praying. Specifically, we would relish the opportunity to partner with you in prayer. You can submit prayers to the church office, write them into the Prayer Notebook, or call anyone on the staff or our Elders.
Set aside time
As opportunities arise (from ramp-building, Habitat Home building, running deliveries for Meals on Wheels, helping out in our county shelter and soup kitchen, stocking our food pantries, volunteering around the church, being part of a phone tree, connecting with the Bereavement Committee) we encourage you to do what you can when you can. But stretch your idea of what is possible and what can have impact.

Financial Support
Financial giving can take several forms. You can give directly in person, by mail, and online, designating as you wish. You can also give gifts in kind (like a couch for the youth room), leave bequests or even stocks. Click here to give online.