Get to know us
Our Mission Statement is about God's grace and our responsibilities. That we have room to make mistakes, the ability to learn and more than enough to share means God hasn't given up on us, God is counting on us, and that God hasn't abandoned us. To know more, download or click and review our 2024 Annual Report.

A little history
Hawfields Presbyterian Church was founded by settlers in the mid 1700s. The present sanctuary, constructed in 1854, occupies one of three sites used by the congregation over the years. An Educational Building, Fellowship Hall, and century-old Session House also occupy the grounds. The two-story 3,000 sq. ft. manse is separated from the church facilities by several acres of wooded property.
Over the years we founded and shared space with the Presbyterian Home of Hawfields (now Compass Health and Rehabilitation) and the Hawfields Childcare and Development Center. The Hawfields Civitans run ballparks and many other programs for the community on church grounds behind the main complex.
A PC(USA) Church
We are a member church of Salem Presbytery and the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic. Our denomination is the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Worship in context
Our traditional service starts at 10am and our contemporary service starts at 6pm. Our online service is posted (usually!) by 5pm on Saturdays.
Our leaders
The Staff (our hired leaders) and the Session (our elected leaders) work together to help our community and to be the congregation God wants to see here in Mebane.

Tom Bowden

Randa Patterson
Sunday Nursery Staff